Admissions Information

Admission to Bloom! Montessori® is open to children from two to six years old (who have established independent toilet training). Children may attend Bloom for 2, 3, or 5 days a week. We offer authentic Montessori programming from 8:00am-5:30pm.  Our application process begins in the fall prior to the year of enrollment, although we accept children throughout the school year as well when space is available. 

Bloom! Montessori® strives to create a diverse community. We do not discriminate on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, developmental disability, race, ethnicity, or national origin in our admissions process or the administration of any of our programs.

There are three steps to admission:

2. Pre-Admissions Interview

Prior to admission and upon receipt of your application, the director will need to meet with all of the child’s parents or guardians, and the child being considered for enrollment for an interview (please make sure that both parents or all of the child’s legal guardians, and the child, will be able to attend; if this is not possible for some reason, please speak with the staff about an exception). This is not a test or screening for the child; rather, it is an opportunity to make sure that we share a common view of the purpose of education, that parents have an accurate understanding of Montessori education and reasonable expectation of our program, and that all adults involved can work together in support of the child.  This interview is also required under the terms of our state licensing. We will call to schedule your interview after we have received your application. These meetings usually occur after-hours or on weekends, when we are able to meet with you and your child at length and answer questions.

1. Admissions Application

We will begin hosting tours (by appointment only) in October. We will begin accepting applications for the 2017-2018 school year in November 2016. Applicants need to be 2 years of age (and toilet trained) by June 1, 2017. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received.

You may submit an application at any time along with a one-time, non-refundable application fee of $50.  Upon receipt of your application, you will receive a copy of our current Parent Handbook and a brochure about the Montessori philosophy. You will also be placed on our active waiting list and we will contact you by phone or mail to schedule a pre-admission interview.

Admissions Forms:

Application for Admission

Tuition and Fees Schedule

Application for Employment

Printable Calendar

3. Admissions Decision

Our existing families have until December to return signed re-enrollment contracts. After that, we will begin filling available spaces. We will begin making admissions decisions and notifying prospective families in January.

After receiving your application and conducting a pre-admissions interview, your child will be accepted to the school (if space is available), denied entrance, or placed on our waiting list.  If your child is accepted, you will receive a letter of acceptance. You will have fourteen (14) days to declare your intention to attend by returning a signed Tuition and Fees Agreement and by submitting a $500 deposit to the school to hold your child’s spot for the year. If we are of the opinion that your child would have a difficult time in a Montessori environment, we will inform you immediately after the interview. If, in reviewing applications, we find it unlikely that we would have a space available for your child, we will inform you as at that time, or prior to May 1st.  If your child is wait-listed, you will be notified by mail or by phone when a space becomes available. We accept children off of our wait list according to the needs of our classroom communities.

Additional Information

Preference is given to families based upon their intention and ability to complete the three- year cycle.

We have structured the school day and school year to ensure that your child receives a well-rounded experience that will foster a lifetime of learning and prepare your child intellectually for elementary school and future academic endeavors. We strongly encourage you to consider the benefits of full time attendence on the calendar year schedule. This schedule is undoubtedly preferable for most children. It permits them to have a consistent routine, to become socially integrated into the classroom community, to retain information over the summer, and to maximize their powers of concentration and their language and mathematics acquisition. As a result, we give preference to incoming two and three year olds (who intend to complete the three year cycle) who are enrolling in the full time calendar year scheduling option.

We also strive to create communities of balance and diversity in terms of student age, socioeconomics, race, ethnicity, and gender. The child who is highest on our wait list, whose admission would help to maintain that balance, will be admitted first. Your child will be kept on the wait list for the entire year. While your child is on the wait list, you will be invited to participate in our parent education classes and workshops; your child’s chances for admission are greatly improved by participation.

For more details about admissions, our placement policy, or our program please contact the school.