Our Staff

Staff Credentials

All Bloom Montessori guides (or lead teachers) hold the following credentials:

  • an American Montessori Society (AMS) credential for the age group which they are leading.
  • a State of Colorado Group Leader Certification.
  • a State of Colorado Early Childhood Professional Development Credential.
  • annual certifications in CPR/First Aid.
  • current certifications in Medication Administration, Universal Precautions, and Child Abuse Reporting.
  • are members of the American Montessori Society and the North American Montessori Teacher’s Association.

All members of our staff are experienced, non-smoking, professionals who are experts in their chosen profession.

AMS Certification Requirements

In addition to the required coursework, the AMS certification process requires a year of supervised student teaching at an accredited Montessori school and several visits from an AMS field consultant who observes the guide in the classroom setting. Our staff regularly attend and participate in Montessori conferences and educational workshops and we make it a priority to support their on-going training and professional development.

"What binds Montessori teachers together is a piety toward children—piety as respectful regard, not sentimentality. Whoever deciphers the uniqueness of each child enhances that child’s possibility of becoming his or her fullest. In a world growing increasingly complex and inhospitable to children, this is the simple truth on which Montessori education is built."

- Dr. Nancy McCormick Rambusch,
Founder of the American Montessori Society
Abby and Joshua Miller